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Faculty & Staff

Stephanie Middendorf

Stephanie Middendorf

Preschool Teacher

Stephanie Middendorf spent a large part of her career in the public-school system. For 23 years, she taught at Carrie Busey Elementary School, mostly in Kindergarten.

Since coming to St. John Little Lamb Preschool in 2014, she feels liberated in some important ways—and one way above all. “I just love that I can share God’s message now,” she says. “In public school, you were afraid to use the word ‘God.’ You didn’t even know if you could put up a Christmas tree. Here, I can share His Word. Here, I can be myself.”

Mrs. Middendorf finds it rewarding to see children make academic progress through the school year. She finds it equally rewarding to see the progress in their values and social skills.

“They’re getting more considerate,” she says. “They’re learning to share and take turns—to ask for a toy or puzzle ‘after you’re done with it.’ They’re learning how to act and how to treat people in ways that they’ll use all their lives.” Mrs. Middendorf has certificates in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education and Reading Recovery, all through the University of Illinois.

Her husband, Jay Middendorf, also works in a school-related capacity. A retired Champaign firefighter, he’s now a school bus driver for Monticello Community Unit School district #25.

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