St. John Lutheran School | E.A.T. (Eat Around Town) Nights
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E.A.T. (Eat Around Town) Nights

There's a different restaurant each month, typically the 2nd Monday, where everyone is invited to dine out. The school will receive a percentage of the revenue. Details about each event (times, location and rebate amount) will be announced.

We are looking forward to enjoying a meal with our St. John families!

E.A.T. Night - Hickory River, Monday, February 10, ALL DAY!

Join us at Hickory River (3514 Fields S. Dr., Champaign)! Hickory River is donating 15% of total sales back to the St. John Lutheran School PTF. Dine-In, carry out, and drive thru are all included. Thank you for your continued support of these events

Download the Flyer Here!

January E.A.T. Night - Panera Update

Thank you to all who supported the January E.A.T. Night at Panera. We raised over $300! Thank you for your support of these events for the past 5 years!